Hello! My name is Mary!

I’m a mom to three beautiful boys, wife to my loving husband, and I work full time outside the home as an engineer.  After the birth of my oldest son, I was overwhelmed by the amount stuff that had to be done every day.  I started researching time saving strategies and found some that worked, and a lot that didn’t.  We had our second son, and time got instantly more precious.  During this time, I started learning about lean manufacturing at work.  One day something clicked, and I tried a value-stream mapping approach to my morning routine.  Within days the mornings were sooo much less stressful!  I had more time and mornings were calmer overall.  Since that day, I have used the lean principles throughout my house and life.  We have freed up so much time that I can get everything done, and my husband and I can spend tons of quality time with our boys.  Not to mention having enough time to start this blog! 🙂

I love helping working parents take back control of our busy lives so everyone can have all the time to enjoy life.  We all deserve it! 

A note about my kids names and pictures – we decided years ago that we would keep our children off of the internet to protect their anonymity.   Therefore, I will be using stock photos of children instead personal pictures for them.  Also, I will not be using their real names.  Instead, I have chosen fun substitutes that are diminutive forms of their names in different language.  I am calling my oldest “Dand”, my middle “Tam”, and my youngest “Pip”.