new year's day, new year's eve, 2021

New Year, New Blog?!

Happy New Year friends! 2020 was certainly an interesting year. A year for lots of introspection and change. A year for new beginnings. For me, one of those new beginnings is a “new” blog. I have been thinking about starting a blog for years now. Last fall (2019) I took the plunge and began website construction. I found a blogger who has lots of wonderful information and courses on everything from site setup to email templates. By February 2020 I had everything ready and multiple posts outlined following her templates. I was ready to go and excited for my planned launched on March 19, 2020.

Then the pandemic started and everything went to pieces. My three boys were home from kindergarten and daycare. I was still working full time and in the middle of a promotion. My husband was still going to work in a heath care setting with high-risk individuals. Even with all of this, I wanted to write to have my creative outlet. I posted on a fairly regular basis and outlined/started several posts for late summer and fall. I was starting to be overwhelmed with everything by mid-summer. Who wasn’t? I stopped posting. In early fall we lost a close family member to old age. Luckily not Covid so he was able to have his wife by his side until the end; minor blessings are everything. Our oldest started first grade virtually and hated it. He loves school and has meltdowns about having to “do work on the computer”. To put the icing on the cake, our 17 month old fractured his leg climbing out of his crib for the first time.

Through it all, I would spend time at night when the house was quiet writing but never posting. I always felt bad that I was having trouble following the great templates and therefore wouldn’t post them. A couple weeks ago my husband asked why I hadn’t posted in months since he saw me writing so much, It all came out along with copious tears about how I was a terrible writer and failing as a blogger. All I got was a look and the question “Why aren’t you doing it your way then?” Well apparently because I’m not smart enough to think that’s an option of course!

So here I am; doing it my way. I’ve spent the last several days writing in my style. There are a lot of new posts and some reworked pervious ones. Same type of content in a more natural flow for me. I feel so re-invigorated and excited to blog again. My goal is to spread tips, tricks, and info that has worked for my family to improve our quality time and relationships, even with two working parents and busy kids. My dream is that we can create a community of families to support and encourage each other.

2021, here we come!